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Samantha Phillips



Samantha sitting on sofa with mug in hand
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Who knew that being perimenopausal, menopausal or post menopausal means that we have to adjust to a 'new us', with 'new symptoms' that we have never known before? Sadly, many medical professionals do not know about these changes as they have not been trained to recognise them. This can leave many of us feeling unsupported and helpless.


For my Masters degree in Women's Health at University College London (2021), Professor Joyce Harper and I created a survey which included the menopausal stories of over 3000 women. This research has been published into several peer-reviewed, scientific articles: June 2022, March 2023.

Some of the voices from our survey

"My confidence and self worth were on the floor and the tears I have cried, I have lost count of."

"The lack of information is shocking. I didn’t know the symptoms so didn’t join the dots until I spoke to a friend. We are both nurses and didn’t know!"

"I knew about hot flushes and I didn’t have those so couldn’t work out what was happening to me, I honestly thought I was going mad." 


With a purposeful and individualised approach to optimising your wellbeing, you can re-discover your passions, interests and goals, and learn how to live happier through all stages of the menopause. It can be an exciting and enjoyable phase once you have the information you need to break through the negative narrative that often surrounds menopause.


I am firmly of the belief that each of us must choose the best option available for treating our own menopause. Whether medical or non-medical, or a combination of both, every woman should be in a position of knowing all the treatment options that are available to them in order to make the choice that is most suitable for them. As a menopause wellbeing expert, I do not work with, or prescribe, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) but offer a balanced approach, drawn from a backdrop that is both evidence-based and natural.

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THE BENEFITS of working together

The take home benefits of our working together include developing the knowledge, self-awareness, and confidence to self-manage your perimenopause/menopause symptoms. Arming you with this kind of tool-kit will be invaluable in helping you to navigate what can be a long and ever-evolving journey.

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Together, we can rise above menopause negativity and learn how to live your best peri/menopause.

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"I am 48 and went to see Samantha because I wasn't feeling myself at all and my friend spoke so highly of her. I have always been in good health but gradually began to suffer with insomnia which I had never had before.  I didn't suffer sweats or hot flushes but Samantha was like a perimenopause detective enquiring and discovering I had symptoms that I would never have connected to hormones. An inner vibrating sensation and vaginal discomfort, among other symptoms were things I would never have thought were even connected to hormones. We spoke about lifestyle changes which started to make a difference to the way I was feeling and Samantha is now coaching me how to manage my menopause health in a way that is realistic for me to maintain and I am feeling so much better as a result."


MP, Whetstone

"I am 56 and had never even heard of perimenopause until a couple of years ago.  I  became a different person when I was about 42 and have not felt like me since. My GP wanted to give me antidepressants but I knew I wasn't depressed. My friend saw Samantha speaking at her church and recommended I contact her. I could not get to her practice so I see Samantha remotely which works well. From my first consultation, Samantha has taught me so much about myself, my body and most importantly, how to feel a lot more like I used to. Seeing Samantha has been a game changer for me and I recommend anyone suffering with menopause should see her."


SC Felixstowe

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Learn more about the menopause on my blog...

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Photo of Samantha sitting on sofa with pug in hands


BSc (Hons) MSc Lic.LCCH MARH

Please don't hesitate to get in touch.

07905 081108

Mill Hill



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